IntCH Kisatchie-Champagne Goldens Ray of Sunshine CGC CGCA CGCU TKN TKI FDC

Sire:  Am. GRCH Goldruls Meat Me At The Gate CGC CCA
Dam:  Mattiaci Double The Darlin’
Whelped: 10/14/2016

Eye cert & hips info:

Jasmine—-IntCH Kisatchie-Champagne Goldens Ray of Sunshine CGC CGCA CGCU TKN TKI FDC

Best Puppy In Sporting Group and Group 1—Jasmine

2nd Place Best Puppy Group 2— Jasmine




IntCH Kisatchie-Champagne Goldens Ray of Sunshine CGCA CGCU TKI FDC
Am. GRCH Goldruls Meat Me At The Gate CGC CCA
CH Birnam Wood’s Kicks Bass
BISS Am. CH. Seeshaw Dylans Evening Blaze SH WCX Am OS Can OS
Am Ch Birnam Wood’s Curves Ahead
Am. CH Goldruls Thank Heaven For Little Girls CCA OD
GCH CH Prism’s Night Moves RN WC OS VC
Goldruls Little Moments CCA
Mattiaci Double The Darlin’
AM CH. Mattiaci Aerials In The Sky
Can Ch Corum Park Avenue
Mattiaci The Challenger
AM CH. Jovi’s Hollaback Girl
Am. CH. Hillock’s Bad As I Wannabe OS
Jovi’s Canyon De Chelly RA,CGC